FollowUpBoss is extremely feature-rich. It's so feature-rich that many agents get overwhelmed when they begin using it. FUB has many, many great features that you can add over your career, but it's important to understand the basics first. When learning FUB, you must "eat it one bite at a time" rather than "trying to swallow in one gulp."
Upload Your Database
Before you do anything you need your SOI/database imported into FUB. FUB makes it easy, and you can simply upload a spreadsheet. The more time-consuming piece is consolidating your database into that spreadsheet. Importing is easy and a quick video is available right in the app.
Understand Tasks and Smart Lists
FUB is great at a lot, but its main purpose is to make sure that you follow up with all of your leads and past clients. This is accomplished through tasks and smart lists. You can certainly move on to Step 3 (Daily F/U Workflow) without an understanding of tasks and smart lists, but it helps considerably to understand how they work.
Build and Execute Your Daily F/U Habit
Agents juggle so many tasks every day that a daily routine is often lost. Without a routine, the daily "whirlwind" always gets in the way and the truly "most important" task of following up with your sphere and leads isn't consistently accomplished. We ask everyone at Bramlett to commit to 30 minutes a day of follow-up - first thing in the morning because it's truly the most impactful thing you can do.
What Else?
There are many, many time-saving features you can leverage in FUB. Email/text templates (both company and custom), batch emails, custom smart lists, mail merge, birthdays... These just scratch the surface. After you're consistently executing your Daily F/U (every day, every week) then it's time to dig in!
Contact Card Functionality in FUB
This is a great feature for the first text message you send to someone after you’ve spoken with them or had a meaningful text/email conversation. It’s how you can easily share your contact information so they can save it in their phone (they’re saving the contact info of their new agent!)
The nicer embedded app in FUB looks a lot nicer. The agent production lookup tool allows you to see the MLS production of any agent in Austin. This is so you can set your own expectations when you’re working with an agent. Oftentimes, you’ll get the feeling that an agent is inexperienced and this can… Read more
- FUB Smart Lists
- FUB Custom Action Plans
Smart List Improvements: We’re moving away from task-based reminders and moving to focus on Smart Lists. Your Smart Lists are now more intuitive with regards to your Stages. These lists are built to remind you to follow up with your clients based on their Stage and your last communication with them. We used the F/U… Read more
- FUB Setting Up Expert Searches
- FUB Best Practices
FUB Dialer & Outbound Caller ID